
We Scan Files scans to a variety of formats available on the market today. PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, and GIF are commonly requested formats. We recommend PDF for its added features. TIFF is also an imaging industry standard compatible with most document management systems. Depending on your electronic format needs decides which format to go with. The picture is best as JPEG, whereas Data is best as PDF and TIFF.

First determine what kind of file you are going to scan. Then what your goals for the scanned image are. Once you have determined these goals, making a scan-to-file type decision can be made

upon the documents arriving at our office they will be secured and then put through our document litigation process to prepare them for scanning. This involves removing all binding artifacts such as staples, paperclips, rubber bands, and etc. As well as correcting any folds or tears that may inhibit the document from being scanned properly. During this phase, the documents will also be checked for small attachments like taped on scratch notes and sticky pads. These will be either scanned separately or attached to the paper securely before scanning. If an image is deemed “un-scannable” by our high-speed scanners it will be removed from the batch and set aside for flatbed scanning or post-litigation. This pre-litigation serves as the first step in our quality control system.


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